Bangkok is like my second home, I have been here many times and I still keep coming back, it could be the food or the fact you can walk one block and be completely off the tourist path and loose yourself in the chaos of Bangkok itself. Who knows all I know is its addictive, fun and I could not give any less of a shit what negative things travelers say about it.

We finally arrived in Bangkok after two flights and a ten hour layover in China, a tip for travelers, do not fly with China southern ariways..... its just not worth it. Arriving in Bangkok in the wee hours of the morning is not a pretty sight. Walking to the hostel we strolled past garbage littered streets, lady boys and by far the most foul thing of all, Gap year kids from Britain, unless of course you like douchyness than by all means put your tank top and board shorts on and go fist pump with the gaps and lady boys. Nope not for me Grace and David we checked in at our hostel " The New Siam II". Great place, comfortable like a hotel but still has the hostel atmosphere and only 1150 thai bhat, or about 35 dollars for a double.

After check in at six am coffee was acquired for the jet leg and breakfast and my favorite noodle shop in Khao San area. best thing about it not a single tourist in sight. After breakfast it was time for the loop. The loop is my creation and goes like this, to begin with walk, Bangkok is a great walking city and you will see no tourists in between sights and get a more rewarding experience. First start at Khao san road, a disgusting foul road filled with everything touristy and plenty of douche gap kids, but it is quintessential to see what created tourism in Bangkok, walk to golden mount, on the way you will see wood working shops and stinky riverways, after climbing Golden mount and banging every single gong possible walk to Wat Pho, you will pass the streets where to Buddha statues are made. finally walk through the amulet market, buy an amulet unless you want your karma to seek you out and destroy you, then continue to the park in front of the Grand Palace and finish back on Khao san. Check, now finish the day with a Chang or Singha.

That was day one, second day Grace David and I picked up essential supplies at MBK mall for the long haul we have ahead of us, and of course the malls incredibly good restaurants, probably the best noodle soup and octopus balls i have ever had!!.

Now we are awaiting our flight to Bangladesh, David being Ginger is sunburnt but loving his first experiences of Asia and Grace has eaten noodles and curry until her heart was content. Anyways this is the first posting into the trip see you at the next one in Bangladesh.